2021 will bring lasting economic wins for OKC
The start of 2021 will bring some exciting economic development projects to completion. One of the most notable is the January opening of the $288 million Oklahoma City Convention Center, debt-free, thanks to our passing MAPS 3 just over 10 years ago. The convention center enhances Oklahoma City’s ability to bring in larger, more lucrative conventions and trade shows, many already booked for 2021. The Omni Hotel will also open in January with 605 luxury guest rooms, 29 suites, seven dining destinations and a dramatic view of Scissortail Park and the downtown skyline. Together, they have a multiplying effect on convention spending, sales tax, overnight stays, jobs and other economic outcomes for our city.
In February, we’ll break ground on our third MAPS 3 Senior Health and Wellness Center, located at NE 36th and Lincoln. This project is scheduled to be completed before year-end, with the fourth center at SW 134th and Western scheduled for completion in 2022.