Great neighborhoods make great cities

Buying a home is more than purchasing square footage and a certain architectural style.
When you buy a home, you are also investing in the neighborhood. And if that neighborhood is a vibrant place – with access to good schools, stores, health care and parks and filled with neighbors who care about their homes and their fellow neighbors – then you have achieved the best part of owning a home: becoming a part of a great community.
Good neighborhoods don’t happen by coincidence. They are an intentional effort by city planners, developers, local businesses and residents to create a safe, engaging community. Neighborhoods are great when neighbors care for one another and participate in community life.
The Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma recently honored individuals, organizations and neighborhoods that go above and beyond to create safe, attractive, healthy communities. The Good Neighbor Award was given to Jessica Thompson of Classen Ten Penn and the Neighborhood of the Year was awarded to the Miller Neighborhood, which has one of the most active homeowners associations in Oklahoma City. John Yoeckel received the Luminary Award for his long service with the Oklahoma City Planning Commission and the Heritage Hills Neighborhood and as a founding board member of the Neighborhood Alliance.
Read the full article at The Journal Record