What are your ideas 4 MAPS?

Oklahoma City’s Metropolitan Area Projects program, known as MAPS, is admired by cities nationwide. Our city is regularly visited by representatives and officials from other cities who want to understand the secret of our success. The answer is not one particular thing. It is the combination of many things, including the proper funding mechanisms, transparency, excellent project management and ongoing public input.
The original MAPS, MAPS for Kids and MAPS 3 projects have been funded by a temporary 1-cent sales tax. Projects are paid for in cash, without incurring debt, meaning construction on a given project does not start until funds for that project have been collected. The projects receive input from a volunteer Citizens Advisory Committee and are administered by dedicated city staff.
Public input for MAPS projects is inherent throughout the process. It starts with asking citizens what they need or want to see proposed in their next MAPS initiative. We look for visionary projects – those that will move us forward as a city. The most desired and impactful projects are included in a package voted on by the citizens of Oklahoma City.
As the MAPS 3 projects near completion, it is time to imagine what transformational projects we could accomplish through MAPS 4. What’s the next big idea for our city? Residents are encouraged to submit their ideas for potential MAPS 4 projects in one of three ways: on the webpage ideas4maps.com; on social media using the hashtag #ideas4maps, or by mailing a letter to Mayor David Holt Attn: MAPS 4, 200 N. Walker Ave. 3rd floor, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. If you need inspiration, check out Mayor Holt’s video on the webpage, which encourages you to dream big.
Read the full article at The Journal Record