Core to Shore vision beginning to take shape

We have been talking about and imagining the opportunities for redevelopment and development in the area directly south of the Central Business District since the Core to Shore Development Framework was adopted in 2008. A decade later, we are seeing many of those projects underway.
The city broke ground on the MAPS 3 Downtown Convention Center in June, and across the street Omni Hotels and Resorts formally breaks ground next week on its 605-room luxury hotel. The Oklahoma City Streetcar is completing track construction and testing streetcars for service beginning in December. The upper section of Scissortail Park is in a flurry of construction and the lower section park designs have been approved by the City Council.
Boulevard Place will be located to the east of the Omni Hotel and will include market-rate and affordable apartments, retail, restaurant options and a day care facility. This blend of uses will open up to the Oklahoma Boulevard and encourage pedestrians between our exciting new destinations.
Read the full article at The Journal Record