Strong Neighborhoods Initiative improves communities

The recent unveiling of the mural Plains Pioneer in McKinley Park is a visible sign of how the Classen Ten Penn neighborhood has flourished as part of the city of Oklahoma City’s Strong Neighborhoods Initiative. This area, along with Classen’s North Highland Parked and Culbertson’s East Highland are pilot neighborhoods of the innovative revitalization program.
Launched in 2012, the initiative focuses resources in a few specific areas, to concentrate federal and local funds for maximum impact. The goal is to tip neighborhoods toward vitality and self-sufficiency – and then replicate the program throughout Oklahoma City.
The program is funded by the city of Oklahoma City with Community Development Block Grant and HOME funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Many local partners like the Neighborhood Alliance, the Community Action Agency of Oklahoma City, Neighborwoods and Rebuilding Together, working with the involved neighborhood associations, bring additional funding and volunteers for the program’s success.
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