progress OKC begins first project
Progress OKC is a community development corporation recently created by the Alliance for Economic Development for Oklahoma City.
Its purpose is to be an economic and social resource that spurs investment and development in areas of Oklahoma City that have traditionally been under-resourced or disinvested. As a CDC, Progress OKC can access grants, community contributions and other funding sources not available to the Alliance for Economic Development.
The CDC will focus on developing and managing affordable housing, job readiness and placement and encouraging economic development. The cornerstone of the organization’s success will be its collaborations with community residents and community development partners.
Last week, a small group of community leaders got a behind-the-scenes tour of the renovations of Page Woodson High School. As developer Ron Bradshaw showed the group his plans for the space, it was exciting to see his vision, as well as his reverence to its historical architecture. When complete, Page Woodson will be a mixed-use space of affordable apartments, community meeting space and an auditorium that will be leased and managed by Progress OKC. The space will be available for community arts organizations and other community groups to offer performances and services to the community at little or no cost.
Read more at The Journal Record.