Mar 2, 2020
Commercial districts continue to add value
Many of our key commercial districts in Oklahoma City are places that emerged from blight and even the brink of demolition with support from

Feb 24, 2020
Boathouse District gaining amenities, events
Since 2016, Oklahoma City’s Boathouse District has been drawing adventure enthusiasts, Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls and those with an int

Feb 12, 2020
OKCPS shares impact of 'Pathway'
February marks six months since the first day of this school year and since the Pathway to Greatness initiative took effect in Oklahoma...

Feb 7, 2020
ULI recognizes Oklahoma developments
ULI Oklahoma’s Impact Awards recognize projects that exemplify best practices in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining

Feb 7, 2020
Momentum continues in the Innovation District
This 1.3-square-mile area will better connect existing economic engines and assets, but where we once had silos of innovation, the Innovatio

Jan 23, 2020
FTZ helps businesses gain advantage
As Oklahoma City grows its manufacturing and distribution industries, having the Foreign Trade Zone program as a key strategic economic...

Jan 8, 2020
2020 brings more development opportunities
2020 will keep us very busy at the Alliance for Economic Development with projects in several parts of OKC. We will begin construction on Ho

Dec 18, 2019
Local holiday events make city festive
The last two weeks of the year offer more festive events and winter entertainment opportunities than you can fit in. Downtown in December is

Dec 11, 2019
United Way improves lives
The United Way of Central Oklahoma is entering the final weeks of its annual fundraising campaign and could use your help in reaching its...

Dec 4, 2019
Say yes to MAPS 4
Originally published in The Journal Record On Tuesday, Dec. 10, Oklahoma City voters will be asked to reinvest in our city through MAPS...