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A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that solicits proposals to procure a particular service or achieve the desired outcome - such as the redevelopment of a particular site.
Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements outlined in the RFP.
Northeast Oklahoma City Residential RFPs
RFP OCURA - Request for proposals from builder and real estate developer for the JFK and NER Urban Renewal Project Areas. The RFP will remain open until closed by the authority's board of commissioners or executive director.​
Prospective Builder/Developer Proposal Checklist​​​​
RFP OCURA - Request for proposals from prospective homeowners for the JFK and NER Urban Renewal Project Areas. The RFP will remain open until closed by the authority's board of commissioner or executive director.​
All homes built on OCURA lots are subject to the Northeast Residential Design Standards.
Downtown Oklahoma City Area RFPs
None at this time.
Miscellaneous Services RFP/RFQs
None at this time.​
Harrison Walnut RFPs
None at this time.
Core to Shore RFPs
None at this time.
Residential Northeast OKC
Harrison Walnut
Core to Shore
Northeast OKC
Downtown Oklahoma City
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